Monday, December 5, 2011


And if you want beef, beef baby, oh yeah, big-old-side-of-the-cow beef, baby, you bring the r-u-c-k ruckus, BOOM!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Hollywood Movie Monster

Look out, baby, I'm gonna smash some buildings tonight! Am I from outer space? Am I from the bottom of the ocean? You don't know! You just don't know! I'm one legendary lizard, a demonic dinosaur, a furious fire-breathing freshman superstar, smashing here, smashing there, I'm the meanest monster since Patrick Ewing was patrolling the paint for Georgetown baby! OOOHHH! You see what I did there? RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE WITH THE MONSTER JAM. Which is on my sandwich! Which is made of people!

Look at these fangs, they're unbelievable! I've got the rubbery skin, the yellow eyes, I'm the full package baby!!! You can't stop me, you don't even know where to start! SAYONARA, LOS ANGELES! HASTA LA VISTA, NEW YORK! SO LONG, CHICAGO! OOOOHHHHHH! OOOHHHH! BOOM in your ROOM! Say hello to my stomach, Roy Williams, BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE YOU'RE GOING! WOW!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Silent Ninja Assassin

You have offended the wrong warrior sect this time, baby! It's gonna be brutal tonight, it's gonna be me in my black pajamas slinking into your room IN TOTAL SILENCE! I've got my katana sharp like scrabble, cutting like claymation, it's gonna slice you in two like a double-dipsee-doo, oh yeah! Look, we're talking you diapered up in your bed, sucking your thumb, not anticipating, not anticipating, me with a sword in my hand, hanging from the ceiling, chapelling your hill as you sleep, me and Laettner doing the Dukie down shuffle on your bleeding corpse. ON YOUR CORPSE! ON YOUR CORPSE! OOOO! OOO! OOOH YEAH!!!

I'll go through you like butter, like half and half baby, it's like you're not even there, I'm invisible, it's dark in your room and OH! OH! You were in one piece and now you're in two, baby! UNBELIEVABLE! This is one nasty ninja needleslinging mama right here, from way down, all the way, coast to coast slicing-and-dicing machine!!! BOOOOOM!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tobacco Lobbyist

This new tobacco legislative proposal is pristine baby! It’s gonna be the cats pajamas! It’s gonna be awesome, baby! You need to get on board or it’s gonna be no campaign money! Seriously, on my top 10 list of senators I’ve got Graham, I’ve got McConnell, and Alexander is gonna be a slam dunk, baby!

I know, a lot of the nay-sayers are saying that Dickie V, you are all hung up on this policy, it’s never going to make it through the senate, Dickie, why don’t you cool down, have yourself a Marlboro, and enjoy the scenery. Well, where would be as a country without Tobacco road, baby! We’d be Britain, we’d be France, we’d be dipsy-doodle underpants! Get on board with this new tobacco legislation, baby, it’s going to be a slam dunk!

Friday, November 25, 2011


Oh, yeah, baby, I know what you want. Believe me, I am the real deal. You've had your eye on me these past two, three turns around the block, strong hands, broad shoulders, shiny head, the complete package, baby! Yes sir, I've got the down-low combo with a turnaround that will keep you in the game all night long. I'm not cheap, I'm no dolla-dolla-dolla girl, I'm the big boy baby, the prime time! I need more than fifty dollars to make you holler daddy. What? You're a cop? Unbelievable!

Monday, November 21, 2011


The weather tomorrow is going to be UNBELIEVABLE BABY! We're talking rain, we're talking sleet, we're talking cold on top of cold on top of cold! We're talking a great big precipitation sandwich with a side of frigid, baby! You got this big cold front that's gonna come sweeping down out of Canada like the Coldmander in Chief. Do they have a President up there in Canada? I don't know, baby, but if they do he's freezing like a popsicle, like a snow cone, like Frosty the Snowman, the prime time! I'm telling you, get your sweaters out tonight, BOOM!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mad Scientist

You're all gonna kneel before me when this experiment is done, baby! Look at this: we've got a big-time basket full of brains, right here, we're just gonna slap those brains whama-blama right in these rockin' robots, big Dukie down the pike style, and then we're gonna give 'em the one-two lightning punch, those robots got big bodies, big hands, strong presence, they're prime time baby! These robots, they're gonna come out, real deal, they're metal maniacs, baby! They're maniacs! They're gonna tear you apart if you don't kneel before Dickie V! It's just a matter of the seconds ticking down until I'm the big man on campus, blowing it straight down from the top of the terror tree, that's the triple tree baby!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Internet forum moderator

Whoa!! I think this post is a little bit off-topic, baby! The topic of the day is what Final Fantasy characters are on your all-underrated team. We're talking Wakka, we're talking Kain, we're talking whoever it is that makes your mana maniacal, whoever lengthens your cutscenes, whoever chapels your hill, baby!

Are you kidding me!?!?!!? That was unbelievable!!!!! Don't make me do it --- OHHHHHHH! Dickie V just lowered the banhammer, baby! Hasta la vista! Sayonara! Aloha! That'll teach you to talk about Skyrim in a Final Fantasy forum, baby! Tell the rest of the internet hello from Dickie V!!!!


D-Vittie in the house, with the double-dipsy-do
I put the O in O G with my 23-skiddo
I'm the bracket-buster baby,
Me and Dukie on prowl baby,
Rolling in my Camry to the Denny's by 3:30 baby
I'm the bapalicious baldolicious dunkalicious Dickolicious
The chickies down in Carolina climb my Chapel Hillolicious
I'm the skippy-scrappy bingle berry, the sloppa-doodle-doo
Climbin' up your steppy ladder cut your net down too!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dental Hygenist

Wow, I have never seen plaque like this at an age like yours! This is absolutely bananas. This isn't just plaque, it's plaqorino baby! Look, your toothbrush is a great everyday player, it's your workhorse, it's going to get in there and grind out those food particles day in and day out without complaining. But you can't build a team around just one player, baby! You can't do it! You can't do it! We both know that flossing isn't what wins the popularity contest. It's not what gets on the highlight reel. Floss does the little things that don't show up in the stat column. Floss is a winner, baby! Flossy is prime time, no doubt, real world, down low in the gums prime time. Flossy-flossy baby-baby!

Criminal defense attorney

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, look at my client, baby! Is this guy not a PTPer? Take a look deep inside your souls, I'm talking way down, I'm talking bottom of the Grand Canyon, baby, that's how far down you gotta look! I know what you're thinking, it's as simple as dipsy-doo-acquit-a-roo, why are we even here, baby? You take a look at this guy, you just know, he's a diaper dandy, I mean the guy literally wears diapers and a top hat! How could a guy like that chop up all those old ladies? It's inconceivable, baby!

Bus Driver

So we're coming up on Central Avenue, oh yeah, baby! That's a real street out there, that's a real old school street running right through a real city. Central Avenue, it's got the whole package, it's got apartments, it's got pizza joints, it's got some empty lots, it's got the whole package. Wide lanes, everything. Gonna pull up here and open the doors, you look at this guy climbing on the bus here, probably the worst single bus rider since 2006 when that lady sprayed the bus with mace. But he's a gunner, he's gonna push his way onto the bus, gonna make them make room for him, maybe not the most talented bus rider for sure but he's gonna fight for space and he's gonna fight for room and they're going to accept him because he makes them do it. He's a fighter baby!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rocket Scientist

Oh, we're going to the moon tonight baby! Tell you what, nobody can compensate for the distortion of space time at high speeds like those Apollo teams in the sixties. But when you look at somebody like Charles Bolden, big hands, big body, really fills up the lane with that big body, boy, you look at somebody like Charles Bolden. I've got a feeling that differentiating relative to time in a gravitational vector is really going to give you some major points out there tonight!